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lapin · Administrateur

01-08-11 14:26:12

11-07-11 · 13 889



Official Website, Tickets and Info:

Please invite your good Friends & Spirits
Dear friends,
We are glad to announce that the early bird tickets are sold and the next stage are 1000 tickets at the price of 80 €.
Your support helps us tremendously in planning and preparing! - the more tickets sold now, the more can be directly invested in this years event ..
At this point we’d also especially like to thank all of you who purchased a regular ticket and left the cheaper early birds for our fellow dancers from lower income countries !
- we were very happy to see how many of you followed our suggestion and showed great community spirit!

Moving beyond the spirals of time We return to the source of love divine As we dance as one with the forces of creation The sleeping serpents will be awakened With these snakes of creation our souls will entwine To dance this ritual buried deep Within our collective mind Opening our hearts we surrender to the dance One tribe united We journey into trance In this temple of love we will dance as one One body One mind One heart Let the journey start

kaou · VIP

01-08-11 18:08:23

14-07-11 · 1 297


Arf, on a pas pu y aller l'année dernière (vu que c'est tous les 2 ans) et pour cette année c'est loupé aussi (thunes)... Bref transylvania calling sera pour dans deux ans pour nous sad